Misyon Online - March-April 2011
Pulong ng Editor
My Three ‘Gs’: God’s Gracious Gifts
By Nardelita ‘Nards’ Manangan
The author, from Bacolod City, is Coordinator of the Center for Integrated Faith Formation (CIFF), a project of the Catechetical Center of Colegio San Agustin-Bacolod.
Ten years ago I planned to go to Rome and Malta to see my two nun sisters, Marline and Gilda, Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Hearts, to see what life was like for them. Being their elder sister, I was like their second mother.
Fire in My Heart
By Gloria S. Canama
Gloria S. Canama, from Tangub City, Misamis Occidental, was a member of the
first group of Filipino Columban Lay Missionaries to go overseas, to Pakistan in
‘The fire which is in the sun, the fire which is in the earth,
that fire is in my own heart.’ Upanishad
My childhood dream was always to be a religious sister. The seed must have been sown by the Columban missionaries, Sisters and priests, who were my educators and friends from my early years. I was baptized by the late Columban Fr Paul Cooney in St Michael’s Parish, Tangub City, Misamis Occidental.
Thirty Days Alone with God
By Martin Koroiciri
The author is a Columban seminarian from Fiji doing his spiritual
formation year in Cubao, Quezon City. Here he shares something of his Thirty-Day
Retreat, following the Exercises of St Ignatius, at the Jesuit Retreat House,
Novaliches, Quezon City, last October-November.
They say that prayer is our conversation with God. If there was ever a phobia in my life, it was of prayer, one of seeing the reality of myself as I am, of seeing my imperfections and accepting them. On this particular journey of prayer I faced my fear.
Ten Things I’ve Learned
By Maira San Juan
On 10 August Maira renewed her commitment as a Columban Lay Missionary and has since returned to Korea.
When I said ‘Yes’ to the mission, I agreed to be an instrument of God’s love to His people. This is easy to say but not easy to live by. When insecurities arrived at my doorstep, I was confused and started to ask myself ‘Why am I here in mission?’
During lashing rain and stormy winds at Essuom-Manya village in Eastern
Ghana, the owner of the house hollered at me to close my door but I refused. I
kept it wide open instead for a practical reason: if the mud house collapsed, I
could easily jump out. It is a common happening here for mud houses to collapse
with people trapped and buried inside.
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