Amidst Guns, We Light Candles
By Sr. Norma More DC

In the strife-torn Holy Land, Filipino missionary Sr. Norma More, dc, together with her companions of different nationalities, strives to look after the handicapped children from each of the three religious communities – Jewish, Muslim, Christian – which make up the population of Palestine. St. Vincent’s Home, amidst present political and racial disharmony, in its own way bears witness to God’s call to peace. Sr. Norma tells us about their trials and joys. (Ed.)
St. Vincent’s Home is one of the places in Israel where one can just be himself irrespective of creed, race, nationality and political ideologies. Yesterday evening was one of the several celebrations that gave concrete evidence to this. One of the employees who has worked here for many years was leaving for good. A thank you party was held in the garden and it was attended by almost all of the personnel including the sisters and some of the children. Everybody danced to the sound of the tamtam, Jews and Arabs alike plus the volunteers from different countries. There was a deep joy radiating from each and everyone present. For me, it wasn’t just an ordinary gathering, it very much resembled that of a “Messianic Banquet”.