What’s In Their Hearts
By Gee-Gee O. Torres

Our Assistant Editor, Gee-Gee Torres, met Sr. Anna and Sr. Angel, two of our admirable Filipino missionaries in Korea. Here she shares with us something of what was in their hearts when she met them.
Lord, you know what I am ready for
Sr. Angel Libron, SSPS is from Davao. Before she became a Sister, she had a very promising job in an airline. However she wanted something more, more than just having a good job, something that would give meaning to her life. She would go every Sunday to the Smokey Mountain in Tondo (which has now been totally developed into a government housing project) and spend the day with the people there. This one day in Tondo meant a lot to her. When she was in college she thought joining rallies was enough to be in solidarity with the poor, but she realized that this was not enough. From the faces of the poor people in the Smokey Mountain she knew there was something more.
Sr. Angel eventually found her way to the Holy Spirit Sisters. When she took her final vow, their Superior asked her to give the names of the three countries where she would like to be assigned. However, she forgot to write the three countries in her letter to their Superior. It was too late when she realized it. So she just prayed, “Lord, you know what’s in my heart. You know what I’m ready for. Just send me to the country where you know I’d grow deeper in your love.” She was sent to Korea in 1996 and until now she continues to grow deeper in God’s love.
There is no place like home
Sr. Anna Domingo, SPC arrived in Korea in 1997 after fourteen wonderful years in Italy. She is teaching English to Korean aspirants, postulants and novices in their community in Korea. Despite her busy schedule, she finds her own little way to keep in contact and help our Filipino migrant workers. She visits them in their homes and talks about Christian values. On Sundays Sr. Anna also helps in giving Communion during the Filipino Mass at Hyehwahdong Catholic Church.
Sr. Anna said, “Being in another country is not easy because there is no place like home. But every mission poses different challenges and has something special to offer. You just have to know how to recognize it when it comes your way.”