Error message

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  • Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters in drupal_get_feeds() (line 394 of /home2/columban/public_html/misyon/includes/

Misyon Online - November-December 1994

November-December 1994

A Filipino Missionary In East Timor

By: Fr. Orlando Cantillon, cmf

Off we Go
After waiting for two years for our visa, the day finally arrived for me and two other Claretian priests namely, Fr. Manuel Sunaz and Fr. James Nadakal, to leave the Philippines and open up a new mission in East Timor Indonesia. On May 6, 1990, we finally set foot in Dili, the Capital of East Timor and to our great surprise the Bishop, Mons. Carlo Ximenes Belo, SBD and a couple of priests from the Diocese were at the airport to give us a warm welcome. It was a touching moment and a beautiful beginning for the three of us.

A Little Child Shall Lead Them

By: Sr. Virgie Mozo, SSC

New Mission
Sr. Catherine Hurley and I arrived in Loncoche in March of last year to open a new mission in this Southern part of Chile. Locoche is a Mapuche word that means, “head of the people.” There are large industries in this area: Lonco Leche, a dairy milk plant, supplying milk for the north and south of Chile; Fourcade, an expert furniture factory and Tecno Frio, a raspberry and asparagus farming and food processing industry.

Farewell Papa a tribute to my Father

Mr. Teodoro Torres Gonzales
(August 2, 1913 – February 16, 1993)

By: Sr. Rosalinda Gonzales

What Will my Father Think?
When I enter the Medical Missionaries of Mary (MMM) in 1983, my father thought that I came to Ireland in order to do further Medical training. I requested my younger sister Angeline to encourage Papa to attend Charismatic Prayer Meetings so that he will be open to the Holy Spirit when the time comes for him to know that what I was really doing was Religious training.

By Fr Joseph Panabang SVD

Nights Becomes Day
When electricity commenced at Kintampo there was wild excitement everywhere. It was as if every problem was solved. Then came the noise from blaring radios. Within a short time, Kintampo looked like a city with all the vices associated with city life. people from the villages, looking for greener pasture, migrated to Kintampo. One of them was Isaac Opoku, my church helper. When I met him in his village, I asked him: “How did you leave Kintampo?” then he answered “Father, I could not sleep.” I asked “why” “There is too much light,” came is sad reply.


Bishop Cornelio de Wit, MHM does not regard his title of Vicar of the Religious as a decoration but as an obligation. Hence his visit to the far flung Filipino missionaries.

 The intrepid Bishop Cornelio de Wit recently toured Papua New Guinea visiting the Filipino missionaries scattered over the vast territory. He was stunned by the work being done by Filipinos and the work which remained to be done. Here in his Christmas message he calls us to awaken.

Healing the Wounded Healers

By: Sr. Marimil Lobregat, FMM

Sr. Marimil Lobregat, a good shepherd missionary has started a marvelous care for the carer’s program in Australia. Now she has opened a center here in the Philippines: This should be a boon to returned missionaries. Read on, it is all described below in a beautiful article by Ceres Doyo.

Wounded Healers. Lost shepherds. Carers in Crisis. At some point people perceived to be strong and imperturbable, and who for a long time have been sturdy to the weak and weakening, themselves become people in need. The rock threatens to crumble, the fountain starts to dry up, and that big heart suddenly wants to cave in. Burn out.

I Will Never Forget My Silver Jubilee

By: Fr. Ernesto Amigleo,CICM

And to show the beautiful simplicity of our people here, I received from them a present which was a bouquet of plastic flowers with a note in English: Happy Wedding Anniversary!

Remote Mountain Village
Three times I celebrated my priestly Silver Jubilee. The third celebration was held in a very remote mountain village, also part of the parish. When people heard I was going to their village they got all excited and without my knowledge they planned something for my visit. I though I would just go there to celebrate the Eucharist with them, but it turned out to be more than that.

Mission Adventure Beyond the Beyonds

By: Emma de Guzman, ICM

Time: August 4, 1974
Place: Manila International Airport
Event: First Departure for Africa

Plane Roared Off
That warm August afternoon in 1974, I boarded a Sebena DC 10 for the first time in my life. Destination: Cameroon, Africa. The tear shed by my family (and mine) were drowned away by the planes roaring off into the skies in what was still the Manila International Airport.

The Best Christmas I Ever Have

By: Fr. Jerry Kelleher

Fr. Jerry, a Columban Missionary worked in Burma till he was forced to leave by the government. Though on in years he continued as a missionary in Zambales, Philippines and was a wonderful presence. Here he tells of a beautiful return visit to Burma, now Myanmar, where he saw now the seed had grown. Fr. Jerry has died since he wrote this article. May he rest in peace and may his tireless and beautiful faith live in all of us. Read on:

“We are now approaching Rangoon International Airport. Please fasten your seatbelts.” My dream was finally dream coming true. As the jet ascended my hopes and expectations became almost unbearable. Finally the whirring jet stopped and I stepped on Burmese soil again after 13 long years.

Closed Door
Since the 1962 coup Burma had closed its doors to all the foreigners. As no more Columbans were allowed to enter the country our mission was forced to close in 1979. When I left after working there for 40 years I never thought I would see Burma again.

The Girls in Blue

By: Sr. Mary Necitas Derama, PDDM

All over the world, colonies of Filipinos overseas workers are to be found. Behind the sheep come the shepherds! So missionaries are coming in reverse mission from the Philippines to Germany. Sr. Mary Necitas Derama, PDDM is from the Philippines. She is one of the members of a new community in Frankfurt, Germany.

Two Fold Presence
This is an international community with some Filipino participants. They have a two fold presence: 1) Contemplative-silent adoration before the Blessed Sacrament which they do in Frankfurt’s ancient Gothic Cathedral (above); 2) Active-they run a liturgical center for all Christians. In the center they provide (at a reasonable price I hope [Editor] liturgical items. They even do designers and sculpt some of the items themselves.

Not Just Action
The ‘girls in blue’ when praying in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament wear a blue robe and make sure that the altar is beautifully decorated. In this way they remind us that not just action but prayer and presence is necessary for life. Action without true direction brings disaster.