Error message

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Misyon Online - March-June 1990

March-June 1990

A Missionary Journey

By Sr. Vincentia Laccay, CFIC
Kalimantan, Indonesia

Into the Wilds
One day, Fr. Timoteus, two catechists and I set out for the barrio of Kampung Kadak by motor cycle. After half an hour, we reach the station with a small chapel. There we had to leave behind the motorcycle for the barrio we were going to was still without any road. We have to hike one and half hours, passing through tall cogon grasses and crossing small rivers.

Back from the Grave

By Sr. Fidelis Abad Santos, SCMM
Filipino Missionary in Brazil

My Father Died
My father died when I was still very young. But the image he left with me is that of very honest and just man. He was a Justice of the Court of Appeals then. I remember seeing gifts being delivered to our house from people whom I gather were asking him for favor and he would returned. He refused to be bought.

Call to Cameroun

By Sr. Emma de Guzman, ICM
Okola, Cameroun, Africa

When I arrived here and began working in the 70’s only men were allowed to be catechist; I initiated the revolutionary idea that women could become catechist too, especially for children and young. As a result, there are now more than 2,000 mother catechists and they are doing the work well. We have to be patient and wait until men (including parish priest) accepted the idea that women could also preach the Word of God in a society where women are not allowed to speak in public. We still have a long way to go; but the idea is gaining ground: everything is GRACE and the Holy Spirit blows where it wills even if the parish priest and the chief catechist are opposed to it!

Dom Helder Camara on the Gospel

Because of this Pilate tried to release him, but the Jews cried out, If you release the man, you are not a friend of Caesar. Anyone who makes himself a king is defying Caesar.”

When Pilate heard this, he had Jesus brought outside to the place called Stone Floor – in Hebrew Gabbatha- and there he seated him in the judge’s seat. It was the preparation Day for the Passover, about noon. So Pilate said to the Jews, “Here is your king.” But they cried out, “Away! Take him away! Crucify him!” Pilate replied, “Shall I crucify your King?” And the chief priest answered, “We have no king but Caesar.”

Then Pilate handed Jesus over to them to be crucified, and they took charge of him.

No Guts
I have the impression Pilate was a decent man, but of that brand of decency often encountered down the centuries, which is one of the cruelest scourges to afflict humanity: a decency which is allowed with weakness and with out the guts to proclaim and stand up for justice.

He Says He’s a King 

If you have the Faith of the Mustard Seed

By Sr. Amelia Bublo, SSpS
Filipino Missionary

Encarnacion, Paraguay

I left for Paraguay in the year of the Philippines Liberation from Martial Law. What has been published in newspapers and magazines about the Filipinos finding identity is really true. Maybe the Asian features were very prominent here on the other side of the world because upon knowing that   I am a Filipino, some people would ask: “Sister please pray for me… for my husband…and for my son… I believe that EDSA REVOLUTION, Filipinos have become known as a people of deep faith.
This is the way I see it.

Mysterious Macau Part II

By Sr. Ines A Tan, FMM
Filipino Missionary in Macau

Last Issue: Sr. Ines told us how she began her missionary work in Macau. Read on:

Walking the Streets
St. Francis used to walk the streets- that’s how he did his mission work. I decided to imitate him and I walked the streets of Macau- I met other streets walkers: prostitutes, many of whom were Filipinos.

The 100,000 Miracle

‘The stadium looked so big that I could not imagine it being filled with the people not to mention legionaries’, said Columban Fr. Aedan McGrath, the Legion’s representative from headquarters in Ireland. The sight of 100,000 Korean Legionaries gathered together has to be seen to be understood. So many processions of Legionaries carrying banners and flags streamed into the stadium that by the time the convention began, many had to be turned away and had to listen to the events relayed by loud speakers outside.

Amazing Growth
Korea is a non Christian country, and it was only 35 years ago that Columban Archbishops Harold Henry gave the go- ahead for the small Legion group in Mokpo. He sensed then that there would be great flow of people into the Church, and he knew that priests and sisters would unable to cope. It was a task for the laity. The legion spread phenomenally and legionaries helped to bring about the mass conversions that have characterized the church in Korea. Today Korea’s catholics number nearly 3 million. Many priests are convinced that if it had not been for the Legion of Mary such a growth rate would not have occurred.