Error message

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  • Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in book_next() (line 811 of /home2/columban/public_html/misyon/modules/book/book.module).
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  • Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters in drupal_get_feeds() (line 394 of /home2/columban/public_html/misyon/includes/

Misyon Online - November-December 1992

November-December 1992

A Story of Hope

By Father Alex Ulpindo, CICM

Fr. Alex Ulpindo entered Missionhurst- CICM in 1963 and was ordained in 1969. He was sent to Dominican Republic in 1972. He was served as a Provincial Superior from 1981-1988. He is now Director of the Novitiate in the Dominican Republic.

My first assignment was the Dominican Republic in Herrera, a parish in the city. With another confrere I lived in the heart of the slum area of the parish. Two days a week we helped our neighbors contract their houses. Twice a week, at night, we would have a prayer group in our small house. At first about 15 to 20 people came-men and women. Within three years we had establish 45 small Christian communities where we would gather to reflect on the reality of the society and pray to discover God’s will in it all. It was a liberating experience. We would see the poor learn to take responsibility.

By Fr Joseph Panabang SVD

We have here at our mission two big mangoes tree outside our mission fence. But half of the branches hand over our land. One afternoon, I saw James, our mission helper gathering some ripe mangoes from the tree. Afraid I asked him why. He said, “don’t worry Father, the mangoes belong to us because the branches are over our land.” he left me wondering under what category of justice I should classify this.

Filipina in a Hong Kong Prison

By: Isabel Taylor Escoda

I went to jail last Sunday. An Englishwoman I know sent me there. Hong Kong’s Victoria Prison is not far from my small flat, u p a hill in the colony’s Central District. Around the prison block are art galleries, antique and furniture shops and on the same street as the jail entrance, down the hill a bit, is a cozy French restaurant.

From Philippines to Pakistan with love

By: Emma Pabera

“There’s no place like home.” Yes it’s true. Leaving home and family is not an easy because we Filipinos are known for our close family ties.

Longtime Desire
In December, 1990, I applied to join the Columban Lay Mission Program. For a few years I had work as a member of the pastoral team in the diocese of Bacolod. I was happy in my work, but it had long been my desire to be a lay missionary. When Father Michael Martin, former superior of the Columbans in Negros, now full-time Lay mission Coordinator in Philippines, invited me to join the program, I didn’t hesitate to accept his invitation.

Hidden Away in Argentina

Far away in Argentina, in Latin America, four Filipina Sisters will celebrate Christmas on their knees before the Blessed Sacrament. They belong to the group popularly known as the Pink sisters not because of their politics but because pink habit they wear. They live a hidden life but I’m sure they will forgive me for sharing a little bit of their letters to us.

Like the Little Flower
They are contemplative sisters. It is through prayer, silence, meditation and loving community sharing that they step into the Presence of God and ask help for the whole Church especially the missionaries: “Without leaving the cloister, like the little flower, we try to reach out to all the mission territories of he world through our prayer and sacrifices. Our Blessed Founder entrusted to us a special obligation: to pray for the priest and candidates to the priesthood. In the first place of course we support the missionary activities of our SVD Fathers and out Missionary Sisters SSpS through our prayer.” Said Sr. Mary Reparatrix.

Life and Death among the Kamea

By: Fr. Bobby Sagra, MSP

‘As a Filipino missionary, I am not a stranger to his experience of life and death... I came from a country whose misery of death and Hope of life is deeply felt year after year’.

Here in Papua New Guinea I serve the Kamea people. A few months ago, I brought a sick man of the Kamea people to the Kokipi Health Center. The man was suffering from cerebral Malaria. He was already in a state of coma and just moaning in pain when we took off on our small river dingy from Putei. We left at 4:00 p.m. and after cruising the winding Tauri River for six hours, we arrive at Kokipi in the night. He was given immediate medical attention, but on the following morning there was no sign of improvement. The nurse in-charge made speedy arrangements by radio for the man to be brought to Kerema Government Hospital.

When Will We Be Accepted?

By Sr. Joy Agudera, OND

I work as youth coordinator in Papua New Guinea. I’ve been planning for ages to write a short article but somehow the “mañana” habit prevailed. We’re always eager to see the latest issue of the Misyon Magazine because it gives us renewed inspiration to continue working as missionaries of God’s word. It also gives us a sense of solidarity...that we are not nag-iisa” in trying to share the Word of God amidst strange people in a foreign land.