Error message

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Misyon Online - September-October 1995

September-October 1995

Angola Tribal War

By: Fr. Efren de Guzman, SVD

 Fr. Efren de Guzman, SVD has been in Angola fir many years.  Now at a time when the country has been torn apart by civil war, he sees his work as bringing reconciliation. An impossible task you would say that true - impossible without faith that Jesus has Risen and that we walk with him in the darkness but towards the light.

God’s love and peace be with you and all your beloved ones! Sometimes words are not enough to express what I have experienced here for the last months. I seem to forget the last time I wrote you.

A Novice Reports

By: Cristina V. de Leon

A Novice
I am Cristina V. de Leon, a second year Columban novice, presently based here in Handworth, Birmingham, England. Aside from the courses, I have been involved in various ministries around the area since the middle of 1992 – the time I cane here in England.

Assignment Taiwan

By: Sr. Adoracion de los Santos, DC

Sr. Adoracion de los Santos, a Daughter of Charity has been missioned in Taiwan for more than 12 years. Her first assignment was in a small Parish in Southern Taiwan. She did nit stay long in this parish because she was then preparing for her language studies. However short the time was, she still learned many good things from the simple people whom she worked with.

EUNTES Here’s Your Chance

By Fr. Enzo Corba, PIME
EAC Director

You are a secular priest, you are a lay person, you are a sister but for a long time you’ve been interested in becoming a missionary or becoming more missionary than you are: WELL EUNTES IS HERE TO HELP YOU.

EUNTES is a beautiful gift of the PIME Fathers to Asia: It is a missionary formation center set in Zamboanga but at the service of the Asian Church. It is headed by the kindly and gentle Fr. Enzo Corba who here tells us what being a missionary is all about. It’ll be worth your while to hear him out:

By Fr Joseph Panabang SVD

Both Write or Wrong
At the Northern Region of Ghana is a town called Tamale. Two Filipinos from Accra came up for a visit to Kintampo and were telling us how they saw a sign – board, “To Tamale”. How is it possible Father, tama nga at male pa?” correct yet wrong), they inquired. I replied, “maybe it is like a poet saying, ‘honey, your are near yet too far”.

La Salle in the Land of Unexpected

By: Brother Ruben Caluyong, FSC

Final Profession
January 9, 1993 was a very significant day for me because it was then I made my final profession of vow as a De La Salle Brother. It was also the occasion when I was given a mission send off as I was about to embark on a missionary journey to Papua New Guinea, also known as the Land of the Unexpected.” On the day of my departure for Papua New Guinea, I did not feel anxious nor excited. Deep in my heart, I knew that the prayer of so many supporters accompanied me on my journey.

Land of Eternal Spring......But

Fr. Romeo Nimez, CICM

GUATEMALA IS WIDELY Known as the “Land of Eternal Spring. Because of its beautiful attractions, the varied and pleasant climate, the breathtaking scenery of ocean views, lakes and active volcanoes and the beautiful women. But, to many inhabitants of Guatemala, this country is also called the land of eternal bolos, bolas, and balas, that is, drunks, rumors and bullets. This combination makes Guatemala a truly interesting, unique and complicated country.

Fr. Romeo Nimez, CICM was born in Anao – aon, Surigao del Norte. He was joined the CICM group in Maryhurst Seminary, Baguio City and his novitiate and theology in Maryhill Seminary, in Taytay Rizal. Fr. Romeo’s first mission assignment was in Guatemala. He as been the Provincial Superior of the CICM mission for six years and recently he was appointed as parish priest in one of the marginal urban areas of the city.

Making Haste Slowly

By: Fr. Bart Toledo

The bishop’s advice to me days before my installation as parish of Vila Brasil always echoes in my mind. “Nao precisa correr. Tem que andar devagar. (You don’t have to run. You have to move slowly.

Here I am still moving slowly seven months of being “vigario” of the Paroquia Sao Jose, Vila Brasil, Barreiras.

Lots of Misunderstanding
With my lack of the language and my limited exposure to the parish, I was open to lots of misunderstanding, I was at a loss when a woman came looking for a priest to Baptist a dead child. I never did and never would do such thing for baptism to my understandings is for the living.

New in Zambia

By: Sr. M. Stephanina
My Story
It was a fine day when we landed at Lusaka airport. The provincial of the Saharan priests together with the priest met us. He took us to a simple house, six kilometers from the city,. Our house is a low cost house but we like in because it is just like the dwelling place of and ordinary Zambian and therefore puts in solidarity with the local people.

Pinoys in Pakistan

By: Daphne Culanag

Snow Covered Peaks
Last mid-term break thirteen of us (3 priests. 3 nuns, 4 OTPs & 3 Lay Missionaries) went in a week long trip across the Northern Provinces of Pakistan to the Chinese border. We really had much fun though we spent most of it traveling (by wagons or on foot. On June 29 we left Hunea (where we had been sleeping in tents) for a seven hours wagon trip to the Chinese border and there celebrated Mass in a snow covered field, more than 16,000 feet above the sea level.

Suddenly There was Silence

By: Fr. Rudy Fernandez SJ

A Filipino Jesuit teaching in Japan for a half a century, decided to tell the truth to the students-with beautiful results.

Summer Camp
One of the most important items of the summer curriculum for the junior high students is the summer camp. Our school has a campsite by a lake up in the mountains about fifty kilometers from the city. The boys stay at the camp for four days. Half of them stay at the unfurnished log cabin with just straw mats for sleeping and half of then stay in tents. After a couple of days they exchange places, those in the cabins go to the tents and those in the tents to the cabins.