Error message

  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6542 of /home2/columban/public_html/misyon/includes/
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  • Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in book_next() (line 811 of /home2/columban/public_html/misyon/modules/book/book.module).
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  • Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters in drupal_get_feeds() (line 394 of /home2/columban/public_html/misyon/includes/

Misyon Online - July-August 1991

July-August 1991

Can Anything Good Come from Benin?

By Fr. Romeo Cagatin, SVD
Rep. de Benin

A Book or a Page
Somebody told me once, Romy, said he, when your in a place only for some months, you can easily write a book with that you see. When you are there for many years, you can but write a page. The longer you stay the only thing you know is that you know very little. I think it is very true.” If I have to write my impressions of Benin during the first few months, I think hundred ages wouldn’t be enough. But…

By Fr Joseph Panabang SVD

To have the feeling
Going from Amsterdam, we stopped at Murtala Muhummed Airportm Logos, Nigeria. More than half of the passengers disembarked. Seeing that the more expensive section was almost empty, I ran and took a seat fro the remaining flight to Ghana. “Oh, just to have the feeling” I told the stewardess who was holding her breath questioningly looking at me.

Letter from Kenya

By Sr. Fidelis Jardiel OSB

This is a letter from a Filipino missionary, Sr. Fidelis Jardiel OSB, who works in Nairobi, Africa. Her picture is on the cover this month. Would you like to drop her a line?

Dear Fr. Dom,

Greetings from Nairobi, Kenya. The enclosed photo was taken in the Lerio Valley where the Pokot and Marakwet tribes live. Actually, this photo was taken when I was once for holidays in the valley. These are two Pokot women and a baby we met while visiting some of them who lived nearby. The Pokots are a nomadic tribe, who speak only their own tribal language, very poor and l live in the bush. In the photo, one sees that language is not a barrier when we speak the language of love especially, when we reach out to others and make them feel accepted. The mama of the baby is delighted and full of joy when I myself feel joy in carrying her baby. I think this is a good catechesis in bringing people together, that are brothers and sisters, and that we have on Father, the God who loves us immensely.

Room 1003

By Fr. Wens Padilla, CICM

Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

With 20 million people, Taiwan is the Worlds most densely populated country. In this article Fr. Wens Padilla, CICM, a Filipino missionary in Taipei, tells us about a day in the life of a Superior of a dynamic group of missionaries.

Hearty Welcome
As the days and months come go, the office unfolds itself to familiarity. The file cabinets are time and again revisited, the sometimes squeaky sliding doors of the various bookshelves are slid with much frequency, the chairs in the reception are not underused, for the four –line administrative telephone, together with the black colored one with a wireless receiver, are given plenty attention, and, an electric typewriter gets plugged in daily and keep on changing ribbons and correction tapes. Day is and day out, at atmosphere of busy-ness” prevails over the room. As the former occupant used to say, “There is always something to be done.” But anyone who comes in and goes out is given a hearty welcome…if not by the man behind the table, at least by the ever-ready –to-be-seatled-on-easychairs.

Violence is the Atomic Bomb of the People

They are now Vice-Presidents of IFOR – The International Fellowships of Reconciliation

Jean Goss and Hildegard Goss-Mayr have planted seeds of peace and humanity from Latin America to the Philippines. These seeds dispersed during the 35 years of work with the International Fellowship of Reconciliation, were in the form of non-violence. The seeds have sprouted, some are still seedlings, but many more have borne fruit, sweet fruit. This French – Australian couple untiringly work for peace while their endeavor go unnoticed by many. Peace work has been a team effort for the Goss – Mayrs since their marriage in 1958. On Occasion, however, a special project stirs the individual interest of Jean and Hildegard. Their position with IFOR was originally that of traveling secretaries, and they are now hold the post of Vice – Presidents.

Paths Converged
Even though the couple now has one vision towards peace, two very separate paths converged when the couple met.

Walking Together in Chile

By Sr. Aliciela Cudiamat

Together with a fellow Sister, I arrive in July, 1978 in Chile. After a rapid and informal orientation about the culture, relearning Spanish, I began teaching religion in Colegio Verbo in Santiago by September of the same year. This apostolate continued for ten years: teaching religion, preparing the boys for first communion, at the same time giving a helping hand in the pastoral work among the parents and teachers. The well – organized teamwork in the school, the boys, the varied experiences among Chilenos in his atmosphere helped me grow in faith and missionary spirit. With all the rest, it was a walking together, a ‘give and receive’ in mutual respect and understanding.