Misyon Online - March-April 2010
A Dream Come True
By Sr Ashwena Apao SSCHave faith! With God
nothing is impossible . . . These are the words that I hang on to when I start
to dream and hope for something that is way beyond me. 8 May 2009 was a day
of joy, a day of wonder, a day of celebration of a dream come true. On that
day many youth from the different parishes came to celebrate the official opening
of our new Diocesan Youth Centre in Myitkyina Diocese, Kachin State, Myanmar.
Priests, Sisters and neighbors also joined us. Bishop Francis Daw Tang of Myitkyina
blessed the Centre and we celebrated the Eucharist. Afterwards we were entertained
by the youth who sang their own musical compositions before partaking in the
traditional meal that followed.
We call our building the Centre for Learning Alternatives for Youth (CLAY). The purpose of this Centre is the advancement of the youth. We want to help and support them in their human development so that they will realize their gifts, deepen their self-worth and, in time, reach their full potential. We have taken the first steps to make this dream a reality.
Edward J Galvin: Trailblazer for God
By Fr Pat Sayles
It was a step into the unknown, a step taken in faith. God had called him, and he wanted so much to respond, to follow his Lord even to the ends of the earth. Yet he found it so hard to leave his loved ones, especially his mother. He loved her more than all the world and perhaps he was going to China never to see her again. Although heartbroken, he resolutely set his face towards China. So began one of the most exciting pages of modern mission history. His exploits inspired many talented young men to follow him along the trail to China that he had blazed.
First Missionary Experience
By Fr Andrei O. Paz
In the course of our training and education, all Columban seminarians participate
in FMA, or first missionary assignment. I set off for Wuhan, China, with two
other FMA students, Alito de los Santos from the Philippines and Tae-Moon Kwon
from Korea.
Wuhan is a booming city in central China. After our arrival, we found that in China, parents must be residents of the city in order for their children to be registered in a regular school within the city. Otherwise, if someone is not officially a resident of the city but just lives and works there, the children must go to private schools which are often of much poorer quality than the city schools.
Mission in the Hospital and in Life
By Josephine Mata
When patients get sick they are in their most vulnerable state. They are at the mercy of other human beings - mere mortals, limited but nonetheless gifted (or so they wish to think of themselves). I am talking about healthcare providers, doctors, nurses and allied healthcare professionals and the insurance companies.
5th Asian Youth Day
By Mary Joy Rile
The 5th Asian Youth Day (AYD5)
with the theme ‘Young Asians: Come Together, Share the Word, Live the Eucharist’
was held in the Philippines from 20 to 27 November. The first three days were
spent for ‘AYD5 Days in the Diocese’ wherein the around 2000 delegates from
the different countries in Asia were divided among ten participating dioceses
in Luzon. This was to allow the delegates to experience the Church’s youth in
action and to be involved in parish youth activities while they were in the
care of foster families. 23-27 November were the days for AYD proper.
On 23 November all the delegates met at Imus, Cavite, the venue for AYD5 2009. YAsia Fiesta opening ceremony started with a Holy Mass. Bishop Luis Antonio Tagle of Imus, Cavite, stressed in his homily that Jesus in the Eucharist gives His everything, His body and blood. Just like Jesus, we should give our all; that’s how we live. We come together to share the Word in wisdom, prudence and strength.