Error message

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“Patience Obtains All Things”

By Mary Joy Rile

This article first appeared earlier this year in issue 30 of Columban Mission, the 12-page newsletter published three times a year by the Columbans in the Philippines. The author, who is assistant editor, interviewed the Tabaco Family in their home in Agusan, Cagayan de Oro.

Tabaco Family
L to R: Eriberto (Erl's father), Grace (mother), Fr. Erl, Siara Isabel (niece), Rhea Joyce Mae (older sister), Earlick John (younger brother), and Mr. & Mrs. Eric Glenn (older brother) & Yoradyl (sister-in-law)

“Milukso ang akong dughan sa kalipay nga napari na jud si Bobong,” Grace captured the very sentiment of her heart when her son, Rev. Erl Dylan J. Tabaco, was ordained a priest by Most Reverend Antonio J. Ledesma, SJ, DD, Archbishop of Cagayan de Oro at the Most Holy Rosary Parish, Agusan, Cagayan de Oro City on February 17, 2018. No words could describe what the family truly felt, just tears to express it. Holy Rosary parish was jubilant to have its first ordination. It was under the Columbans since 1971 until 2012. The Columbans are grateful for the gift of Erl in time for its centennial celebration.

As a child, Erl helped in the family business as a delivery boy for the pre-ordered pork. He played with kids too, but spent more time in the church. He was delighted by the many religious statues. “Several times, Erl came home with broken statues which he rescued from the trash,” his sister Rhea recalled.

Mrs. Grace Tabaco with her daughter Rhea on their way to Fr. Erl’s Thanksgiving Mass

Erl served as a sacristan in the parish with his older brother Eric. Fondly remembering those moments, Eric now shares something more, “God has called me to a different path and I am happy with my marriage. But definitely Erl’s ordination was like fulfilling my own dream to become a priest.”

When the Columban vocation team visited Erl’s house, it was the start of something bigger. Uncertain of what lay ahead, only Eriberto accompanied his son to the Columban Formation House in Cubao. “It seems only yesterday when I brought Erl to the seminary. Now, he is a priest! This kind of happiness is way beyond description. He has our support. We hold him in our prayers as we entrust him to God.”

Mr. Eriberto Tabaco kissing the anointed hands of his newly ordained son, Fr. Erl

Erl, in his homily, recalled the words of his then formator, Fr. Mick Mohally, that consoled him in his doubting moments, “Be patient with the process. Patience... patience... patience...” Erl held it as his guiding principle in this journey. These same words resonated with his mother who, at times, became impatient in waiting. “You already went to other places for mission, but still you are not a priest. When will you become a priest?” Grace continued, “Erl would reply, ‘It’s not that quick and easy, Ma. Just be patient. We will come to that in God’s time.’” Erl trusts in God’s compassion and believes that God has a purpose for everything happening in his life.

Bishop Antonio Ledesma laying his hands on Reverend Erl

At mass, Bishop Ledesma anointed the hands of Rev. Erl and tied them with a cloth. Then Erl went to his parents, requesting his mother to untie his hands. Grace did not understand it but was touched by the ritual. Untying the anointed hands of his son was like freeing a lamb. Was this an act of offering his son to God to be like Christ and serve His people? Was this affirming the important role she played in the journey of her son? Was this a reward to her patient waiting? “When I asked him what I will do with the cloth, Erl advised me to keep it. I might use it in due time. So I am keeping it and treasuring that very moment,” mused Grace. She, too, has to live the virtue of Patience.

Grace untying the anointed hands of her son Reverend Erl

Erl is armed with his love and fear of the Lord, simplicity, kindness and humility that brought him to where he is now. To capture Erl’s attitude toward life, I quote St. Teresa de Avila’s words, “Patience obtains all things. Whoever has God lacks nothing; God alone suffices.” I know Fr. Erl will continue to live these words in his missionary journey.
