Know Jesus…..Through The Gospels
The visitation is the story of Luke’s gospel which tells of Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth. Mary was pregnant with Baby Jesus and Elizabeth was pregnant with John the Baptist. The story tells of how John even from his mother’s womb recognized Jesus still in Mary’s womb. As a result Elizabeth received the Holy Spirit.

The Visitation
Luke 1:39-56
The focus of the gospel becomes eventually Mary’s hymn of thanksgiving to God called the Magnificat
and also the fact that Elizabeth was filled by the Holy Spirit as a result of Mary’s visit. Something to ponder.
Listening to the Word of God
Have one member of the group read the Gospel carefully. Then let another member of the group read it again after a short silence. It may need to be re-read a couple of times as the thoughts are quite dense.
Sharing the Word of God
Ask each person to mark a word or phrase which struck them. Let them share this word or phrase with the group and say why it struck them.
Action Response
To Jesus through Mary. The lowly maiden, Mary, was the means of bringing the Holy Spirit to Elizabeth and bringing Jesus to us, Let the group share how they plan to make Mary part of their spiritually. Maybe some of the groups are members of the Legion of Mary or some other Marian Group.
Remember that the words of the Holy Mary were spoken first by the Angel Gabriel and by Elizabeth later. So let us remain in silence for a few moments seeing ourselves in the presence of Mary and Elizabeth. Then assign a leader from the group, let us together gently and devoutly pray the Hail Mary.