Error message

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Cynthia Empleo

My Art Contribution for the Lay Mission Auction

By Cynthia Empleo

The author, from Bicol, worked as a Columban Lay Missionary in Fiji from 2000 until 2003. She is now the Administrative Assistant in the Mission Office at St Columban’s, Singalong Street, Manila.

It all started during the Advent retreat in 2015 for returned Columban Lay Missionaries (CLMs) living in Luzon. It was held at Little Flower Retreat House in Baguio. Columban Fr Finbar Maxwell, our retreat director, asked us to draw or just do any art thing to represent the reflections and emotions we were having during the retreat. I scribbled with the provided drawing paper and pastel colors. Over the course of two days I finished seven drawings.

Say, ‘Cheese!’

By Cynthia Empleo

Cynthia Empleo is one of six Filipino Columban Lay Missionaries sent to Fiji in 2000. Before they were assigned to different parishes, they made regular visits to various institutions to practice the local language. This was also their first apostolate. Cynthia was assigned to Vale Levu Hearts Home, a low-cost housing projects started by the late Columban Father Dermot Hurley. Local nuns now run it.