Blessed Are The Peacemakers
CICM Missionaries in Manila prepared this service for peace in East Timor and in the southern Philippines. We have slightly adapted it. It is particularly suitable for Lent as we pray for the healing of our broken world and our broken country.
All: (Please stand) Bless your people, Lord, who have walked too long in this night of pain. For the child has no more tears to cry, the old people no song of joy to sing, and the blood of your youth drains away in the gutters. The cry from the Cross is heard throughout the land. The pain in His nailed hands is carried by the worker. Terrible thirst is in the throat of the farmer. Too many women mourn the loss of their sons. And all the earth is turned into another Calvary. With your spirit, Father, we cry for peace. With your Spirit we struggle to be free. Bless us with the wisdom of our ancestors and the courage of our martyrs, that the resurrection of Jesus may be ours to claim and all people embrace the earth in the harmony of peace springing from justice. Amen.