Mission a Flowering Forth of God’ Gift

By: Fr. Boy Toledo

Fr. Boy Toledo and Fr. Frank Pintac are two of many priests who are giving a few years as a Volunteer Missionaries with the Columban Fathers.

Hidden Talent
Never did it occur to Fr. Frank Pintac, a Columban associate from the Diocese of Pagadian that he would be painting his way into the hearts of the Brazilian people in Barreiras.

I and Frank were classmates in the seminary at REMASE Davao City. Both of us belonged to the art group. There he displayed exceptional talent in designing and letter cutting. As a priest for fifteen years in Pagadian Fr. Frank Pintac utilized his talent in his building construction and renovation. But he never ventured into panel painting or even oil painting on canvass.

New Mission
Frank volunteered for a new mission in the Diocese of Juazeiro, while waiting for the assignment to take effect he began to paint.

Extraordinary Work
Fr. Don Hornsy claimed to be instrumental in the flowering forth of Frank’s talent. Knowing that he made sketches at the language school for his Portuguese professors, Don requested Frank to paint the center panel of the altar in Baianopolis as well as the front and back panels of the Centro Paroquial. The results were marvelous. People around, even the visiting priest were amazed at his ability.

Featured in News
Fr. Noel Carey of Vila Brazil offered him a job to paint the altar of the newly constructed church of Vila Nova. Television people came and he was featured in one evening news.

Too Many Requests
Don Ricardo, the Austrian Bishop of Barreiras, requested him to paint the altar of the chapel of Sao Bento- the diocesan retreat house. Many of others made similar requests like Fr. Clarence Beckley, the Benedictine Sister and one Brazilian priest. Dom Itamar of Barra whom Frank met during retreat also invited him to his diocese.

Waiting with Joy
The delay in Frank’s assignment caused the flowering forth of his hidden talent. That’s the way it is on mission, the unknown ‘you’ comes to light. Why not think about it.

Fr. Frank’s First Painting Attempt “Boni Jesu Lopa”