The Creator seen in our planet. Fr Shay Cullen. 26 January 2015


The Creator seen in our planet

by Fr Shay Cullen

It struck at 3.35 AM last week, in the darkness of the night,a loud rattling grew in intensity as the roof tiles went off like castanets clacking and clicking rising to a crescendo as the building shook violently.

It was another earthquake,a strong one,5.9 on the Richter scale and
I leapt from sleep and called on all in the house to evacuate. Then the  violent shaking stopped as suddenly as it had begun. It was over but taking no chances the volunteers hurried out side. A second quake could strike but mercifully it did not .

Standing a safe distance from the sturdy building the earthquake reminded us all of the powerful destructive forces of nature on this planet on which we came and live and depend for our every existence. An earth that we need to respect and care for.

The heaving and trembling of the earth, the rattling roof,the shaking  buildings was a vivid reminder of that shocking and terrible day that Mount Pinatubo began its eruption in 1991.It began with a violent earth tremor that grew in strength.  I was  trying to stay standing upright as the ground shook and then whopping bang  Mount  Pinatubo, thirty kilometers away, blew it’s top with mighty boom.Within seconds it was belching and blasting what seemed like a billion cubic meters of ash and smoke and a thousand tons of rock half a kilometer into the sky.

Full column here.

Links to other recent columns by Fr Shay Cullen

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