Your Turn

We sometimes get very reflective responses to articles in Misyon and have already used one as an article. From time to time we’ll publish more. ‘In a year’ has come around for Christine Laungayan, the first to feature in ‘Your Turn,’ and she graduates this March. We wish her and all readers who are graduating God’s special blessings.

Dear Ms Arlene Villahermosa,

I’m Christine Laungayan, a junior in St. Scholastica’s College, Manila. You’re probably wondering why a 15-year-old kid has sent you an email. Well, here goes. My religion teacher asked us to comment via email on any article of our choice in the March-April Misyon. Truthfully, I never really wanted to do this assignment. However, because it’s a requirement I’m writing.

I was flipping through the pages of the March-April 2004 issue when I saw your article, Something Beautiful Happened. For some reason, I stopped and read it. No offense, I’m not like those other people who say ‘after reading your article, I felt totally new . . .’ or ‘I felt like God spoke to me’ or ‘it changed my life.’ I’m not going to say those things because I haven’t felt them. However, it got me thinking.

I just like to share my frustrations in life. In a year, I’ll be graduating from high school and will be entering a whole new life. It scares me big-time. I’m still confused about what course I’ll take in college. I’m thinking, what if my decision will be wrong? What if that wrong decision will greatly affect my life? In a negative way? Or, what if I push through with my decision and after ten years or so, I begin to feel that I’m not doing the right thing?

Just like you said in your article, you were happy with your life before you joined the Columban Lay Missionary Program. You went out of your comfort zone for what? I’m really confused. Last week my classmates and I attended a talk about alternative careers or courses. There were three speakers who talked about their journey along the ‘road less traveled,’ their story much like yours. My point here is all of them had ‘lives’ before they took the ‘road less traveled,’ just like you. They had education, great careers, and very comfortable lives which they left, just like that. I mean, how will you know? How will you know that it is time? Is it all worth it? AM I MAKING SENSE?????

This is what happens to confused people. They don’t know if they are making any sense with what they are saying!!!! Maybe I’m writing you this letter because I’m scared. I’m scared that one day, I would have to throw away all of my dreams because God is calling me to do whatever He wants me to do. OR, maybe I’m scared that when my calling comes (if I will be called) I would not be able to answer it because… for whatever reason. I don’t know. All I’m saying is I don’t want to experience the feeling of regret. You know, after all the hard work, the suffering and stuff, I’ll just regret doing it.

I hope you understand what I’m trying to say here. Moreover, I’m hoping that you will say something about what I wrote. I’m really confused. And, a few words wouldn’t hurt… I think. Well, that’s about it. Thanks for reading. May God Bless you. Good luck with whatever you’re doing there.

Truly Yours,

Christine Laungayan