By Fr Joseph Panabang SVD

During lashing rain and stormy winds at Essuom-Manya village in Eastern
Ghana, the owner of the house hollered at me to close my door but I refused. I
kept it wide open instead for a practical reason: if the mud house collapsed, I
could easily jump out. It is a common happening here for mud houses to collapse
with people trapped and buried inside.

Every year we go on the Krobo Mountain pilgrimage near Agomanya, Eastern
Ghana. Confession is held in the open. After the confession of one young lady,
the wind suddenly blew away the big silver umbrella I was using. The young lady
was about to run for it when I held her hand and said, ‘Just watch!’ Luckily the
umbrella got entangled in the branches of the tree opposite us. Grabbing a
golden opportunity, I started, ‘You see, you are just like that umbrella, easily
blown by the wind of pleasure.’ She looked at me in shock and burst into tears.
Firmly I commanded, ‘Now, go and pick it up!’ As she gave back the umbrella
while wiping her tears, I continued with fire, ‘Confession is exactly like that:
picking yourself up again. Now, go and sin no more.’ I could not but imitate the
Master. Never before did I see such a remorseful face with dogged determination
to change indeed.
During our co-workers’ party on 19 December 2008 at the bishop’s residence
in Koforidua, I was collecting left-over bones. Reaching our bishop’s table, I
opened my black bag and begged, ‘Anything for the poor and the needy?’ At once
Bishop Joseph Kwaku Afrifah-Agyekum put his hand into his pocket to give me some
money when I clarified, ‘No, Monsignor, I mean bones for my dog.’ He was
bubbling with laughter.

After Mass in Akumerso-West village in Asesewa Parish, Eastern Ghana, we
went to pray for the newly born twins of one of our members. When I asked about
their names before praying, I was told, ‘Mary and Abraham.’ ‘What a
combination’, I kept musing to myself. ‘Why not Mary and Joseph?’