Peace by Peace

From the moment I was first illuminated by the light of reason, my inclination toward letters has been so vehement that not even the admonitions of others… nor my own meditations… have been sufficient to cause me to forswear this natural impulse that God placed in me.

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz by Juan de Miranda, circa 1713

~ Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, poet and scholar (1651–1694)

Real prayer penetrates to the marrow of our soul and leaves nothing untouched. The prayer of the heart is prayer that does not allow us to limit our relationship with God to interesting words or pious emotion… In our hearts we come to see ourselves as sinners embraced by the mercy of God. Thus the prayer of the heart is the prayer of truth.

~ Henri Nouwen, The Way of the Heart (1932–1996)

The Lord knows that I am unworthy, and I would not dare compare myself with any good woman, even of those living in the world. Yet I think the Enemy himself will not at the Last Judgment accuse me of ever having gone to sleep with bitterness in my heart.

~ St. Melania the Younger, a Christian saint and Desert Mother (383–439)

When there is suffering without limits, there can be no limits to the methods one should use to alleviate it.

~ Raoul Gustaf Wallenberg, righteous Gentile (1912–?)

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who herald peace and happiness, who proclaim salvation and announce to Zion: "Your God is King!"

~ Isaiah 52:7

Lord, God, your light which dims the stars
Awakes all things,
And all that springs to life in you
Your glory sings.

Your peaceful presence, giving strength,
Is everywhere,
And fallen men may rise again
On wings of prayer.

You are the God whose mercy rests
On all you made;
You gave us Christ, whose love through death
Our ransom paid.

We praise you, Father, with your Son
And Spirit blest,
In whom creation lives and moves,
And finds its rest.

~ Hymn from the Roman Breviary

The Roman Breviary [The Catholic Divine Office Online]