The Girls in Blue

By: Sr. Mary Necitas Derama, PDDM

All over the world, colonies of Filipinos overseas workers are to be found. Behind the sheep come the shepherds! So missionaries are coming in reverse mission from the Philippines to Germany. Sr. Mary Necitas Derama, PDDM is from the Philippines. She is one of the members of a new community in Frankfurt, Germany.

Two Fold Presence
This is an international community with some Filipino participants. They have a two fold presence: 1) Contemplative-silent adoration before the Blessed Sacrament which they do in Frankfurt’s ancient Gothic Cathedral (above); 2) Active-they run a liturgical center for all Christians. In the center they provide (at a reasonable price I hope [Editor] liturgical items. They even do designers and sculpt some of the items themselves.

Not Just Action
The ‘girls in blue’ when praying in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament wear a blue robe and make sure that the altar is beautifully decorated. In this way they remind us that not just action but prayer and presence is necessary for life. Action without true direction brings disaster.

Marvelous Work
I am one of the four sisters in our congregation chosen to begin our new foundation in Germany. It is an International Community consisting of Italian, Portuguese, Polish and a Filipino. We arrived here in January last year and talking about our one year old foundation I can say that the Lord had done his marvels for us. In a short time we were able to insert ourselves gradually in the local churches in spite of the difficult language.

Eucharistic Adoration
Our presence is felt and appreciated by the faithful, above all the presence is a prophetic sign in this greatly secularized European Metropolis. We are called here to do our Eucharistic Adoration in the Frankfurt Cathedral, famous for being the seat of the Coronation of the German’s Kings in the past.

Liturgical Adoration
Secondly, we have opened our Liturgical Apostolate Center. This center is only a year old and is gradually giving service not only to the Catholics but other Christian religions as well. Frankfurt is known for its being a business and tourist center. Therefore tourists from all over the world come in also to our Liturgical Apostolate Center.


Reaching the World
So as we do our apostolate here, we also reach the world. May Jesus Master make fruitful every little effort that we do for his Kingdom day after day.