Spring Water in Barren Hills

By Sr. Teresita Bernad, SSC

Huavina, one of a cluster of small pueblos among the hills of Iquique in Chile, never had a source of water. Water was brought to them by truck.


One day they got electrifying news: a spring had been discovered in one of the valleys. If channeled it could bring water to Huavina. So the people started to work at once, and of course, they had to begin with a blessing. They invite Sr. Kathleen, who in turn brought Sonia (one of the our co-workers) and me along.

Bleeding Feet

It was a long journey over non-existent roads. Finally the truck stopped on the top of the of the hill, and the driver pointed and said, “The people are over there!” We could indeed hear voices but saw no one. All we could see were hills and more hills. But there was a faint trail and we followed that until it completely disappeared, we were lost, going around in circles. To add to our problems, the ground was strewn with small cactus plants that were very thorny. Sr. Kathleen and I wore shoes but, Sonia had only sandals and her feet were bleeding, we traversed two steep hills and several smaller ones, and finally we found the valley where the people were. It has taken us two hours of walking. It was now two o’clock in the afternoon. We were exhausted and hungry because not realizing how far it was, we had left our provisions at the mission house.

Llama Sacrificed

What we saw was a festive scene. Thinking that we were not coming the people decided not to wait for us but to do ahead with the blessing in their own fashion. A Llama was killed at sunrise and its blood was sprinkled over the spring. This ritual had to be performed by the head of the pueblo and by all the owners of the places through which the channeled water would pass. Each one had to say certain ancient prayers in gratitude of God. Then the men began to roast the meat while the women were peeling potatoes. The men were on one side, the women in the other, with the spring in the middle, its water running in a clear stream.

Sister Gives Another Blessing

We joined the women peeling the potatoes, and when all was ready, Sr. Kathleen gave a talk on the significance of the event and she sprinkled holy water over the spring. Before the meal, drinks were served. Each one poured a few drops on the ground in gratitude to Mother Earth. After the meal what was left of the Llama was burned.

Home Journey

The return journey was hazardous because the hills were slippery, at one point my feet got stuck and I could not move. Sonia said, “Do something sister or we will be here all night.” So I took a chance and made a leap, landing in a little clearing.

People Blessing

Although the people are not very well instructed in Catholic Doctrine, they have a very strong faith in God and a deep sense of gratitude. They know that everything good comes from God as a gift and they respond by making acts of thanksgiving in their own way. After all, that’s why were in this earth: To say Thank You for creation.