A Special Place in my Heart

By Sr. Theresita de Lara, FSP

People belonging to the black race always have a special place in my heart. At the age of seven I saw film about Africans being maltreated by the whites because of the color of their skin. I had told myself that one day I would become a missionary teacher and a champion for the human rights of the blacks.

Dream Revived

When God called me to join the Daughters of St. Paul, my African dream was revived. I applied for Africa fives times, but God had his own plan for me. I was not sent there. I was sent somewhere else.

Pleasant Surprise

In 1994, my provincial Superior asked me to go to Papua New Guinea. Though it is not my dreamland. I was surprised to discover that the people belong to the black race. For me, black is indeed beautiful.

Eye for an eye

I had a culture shock to see that Port Moresby (the capital city of Papua New Guinea) and the towns were very progressive technologically. But many of he people are not at home with footwear yet. Many are not familiar with western hygiene. The motto “tooth for a tooth” and eye for an eye” is very much still rule of life here.

Women do the work

Women are considered ‘second-class’ citizens and they do not mind this. Mothers carry their baby in one arm and paddle the canoe with the other arm in crossing the sea to the mainland to buy food and other necessities. Meanwhile, her husband is having a drinking spree with his friends at home.

Freedom Loving People

I admire them most for their love for life. Babies are very much welcomed in the family. Another good quality of these people is their utter lack of inhibition. They can be with the Prime Minister even in their old clothes and bare feet. They do not care what others think about them. They walk in the streets, talk with people and act freely. They are a freedom-loving people. I thank God for sending me here.

The Daughters of St. Paul serve in the local Church through the Catholic through the Catholic Book Center. We offer books, videos. Audio cassettes and other religious articles to assist other missionaries in forming individuals into fully integrated persons and in bringing about some attitudinal changes.