Mighty Healer, Help Me!

By Luming de Jesus-La’o

I’m a pediatrician by profession, so you could say I’ve always been a healer. But in 1990, I discovered the gift of healing – the kind that defies scientific explanation.

Divine Medicine

My five-year-old-grandson was running a high fever and was suffering from cold, sore throat, heat rash and diarrhea. To make matters worse, he was suffering from hyperacidity and most medications did not agree with him.

I couldn’t give him paracetamol because he would vomit. I was in a dilemma. There was no one else in the house. So I made him lie on the couch and told him, “We will pray to Jesus...say Jesus, I love you. Jesus, heal me.”

Over and over we prayed. After a few minutes, he fell asleep. By the time his mother arrived from work, the boy was already playing.

Visiting the Sick

I joined the renewal in 1982 and later I joined the Light of Jesus Community. I have been going with my community sisters to hospitals and we have been praying over patients since 1985. So I was not a stranger to healing. But since we’d always gone in a group, I never dreamed I would be singled out one day by God to be an instrument of healing.

Sick Husband

After my experience in healing my grandson, there have been several instances when Go healed people through me.

One night, when I came home from a healing seminar, I discovered that my husband might be suffering from emphysema. He kept coughing all night. So I raised my left hand and placed my right hand on his chest. Then I started to pray. “By the authority given by my Father in heaven and in the name of Jesus, my Savior and healer I command healing to take place right now. By your strife, Lord, my husband is healed.” My husband recovered that same night.

Jesus Heals

One day, I asked the lord to grant me the ability to heal seriously ill children who cannot afford medicine. God granted my petition.

A 12-year-old patient of mine contracted a viral disease and his parents were too poor to afford the necessary medicines. So I asked my patient, “Do you believe that Jesus can heal you?” The child nodded. So I prayed over him as he lay on bed. After only five minutes, he stood up and went home with his mother. He was totally cured and his parents didn’t have to buy any medicines at all.

Later, I had another patient who needed my help – a one-month-old baby with hydrocephalus. He had an enlarged head and protruding eyes. I prayed over the baby in front of the mother. When he was brought back to me a month later he was already playing. By his eighth month, his head had returned to normal size.

Praying for the Patients

Through the years, I’ve learned to balance my skills, to know when to prescribe medicine and when to pray for my patients everyday. I am very grateful to say that in all my 32 years of practice in the medical profession, I have not had a single incidence of death among my patients.

Spiritual? Healing

During a healing session, I feel a prickly sensation on my fingertips and it stops when my prayer ends. Oftentimes, I cry during these sessions and feel weak when they end. Sometimes I can even feel the patient’s pain for a while.

I am grateful to God for using me as his instrument. He not only heals physically, but spiritually as well. Should the person I am praying over die, I know that person was healed spiritually.

Mighty Healer

In the eight years that I have been in the healing ministry, pride has never set in because I know I am only an instrument of God I have complete trust in Him, for it is He who does the healing, not me. I can never thank God enough for blessing me with this wonderful gift. I pray that I would always use it wisely. And every time He wants me to bring healing to others may I always say, “Yes, Mighty Healer, use me!”