Not Just Dollars

By Sr. Leticia Bartolome icm

They have been hailed as “new economic heroes” of the Philippines. The estimated 6.5 million Filipino workers in 180 countries endure enormous sacrifices to be able to send home their earnings. Other than working with the special people, Sr. Leticia Bartolome is also involved with these modern day missionaries in Hong Kong.

Other than for dollars, be missionaries

Twenty years ago during a Mission Sunday homily in Hong Kong, an Irish priest shared his thoughts: “When famine struck my country many years ago our people left one in search for work. They kept their faith and they brought Christianity to the places where they settled. God used them as His instruments in spreading the Good News.”

Then addressing us Filipinos, particularly the migrant workers present, he said, “You are here to earn a living for your families. You need the dollars but you are here not only for that. You come from a Catholic country, you have your faith, go and answer our Lord who calls you to be His missionaries. Be missionaries in your own time, in your own way.”

Prophetic words, indeed. Twenty years later mission stories continue to be heard from our Filipino overseas workers. In all these stories, they have played the main character, being bearers of Catholic faith in a Buddhist country. They contribute to the liturgical life in the church as choir members and readers. Others do volunteer work in homes for the aged and centers for people with physical and mental disabilities. This life of service has even led a number of migrant workers to join the religious life. Not to mention some of their employers becoming Christians.

A Gift for China

In March 2000, I was among the congregation of more than 400 participants at the Eucharist in the Sacred Heart Cathedral at Guangzhou (Canton). It was a multi-cultural group, and leading them was the Filipino group. Throughout the Mass, I felt so close to the Philippine Church, so close to home. I was seeing “empowerment of the laity” in action. Gratitude over whelmed my heart. They are gifts to us Filipinos and they are the Philippines Church’s gifts to China and to other parts of the world. They bring abroad their faith.